Friday, May 31, 2013

Hello everyone. I've noticed that as social media, internet, and communication has expanded that it feels like people in the world are becoming more harsh and bitter. News always runs stories of tragedies, and the majority of people are more interested in blaming and putting others down more than lifting others up.

I believe that people are inherently good, and that there are amazing stories out there that are often overlooked for various reasons. So I'm hoping to use this blog as a place for people to come to see the good that is going on in the world, examples to emulate, to become better people ourselves.

The video I'm posting today, is one that perfectly captures how we should strive to help those around us.

I love the compassion that he shows to others from his experiences with his parents.
I love his open mind to help his father rather than merely condemn him.
I love that he has found a way to externalize this for the well-being of others.

I hope that you enjoy this first post and will help me make the world a manner place.